August 16, 2010

Use Our Parks

London Hyde park 20006-04-09Image via Wikipedia
London Hyde Park
In California a city park is rarely used except for soccer practice and the playground area. It seems as though we turn to other options for our family outings rather than a simple day at the park.
After a recent visit to London, England I realized that families in California(I can't speak for other cities or states) do not take advantage of our beautiful land. In London a park is located every few blocks. In each park people were gathered to eat, chat, or just relax. They were on the benches and on the grass constantly. I also noticed that these were adults using the parks. I didn't see playgrounds or sandlots.
Last weekend we went to a local park near the beach. We took chairs, blankets, soccer ball, and a Frisbee for our entertainment. My husband, children and I had a great afternoon being a family in the park.
Go outside and enjoy your land. It's beautiful out there.
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