August 29, 2010

Another Reason To Love a Kindle

Image representing Amazon Kindle as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase
When I got my Kindle, I read on it daily. So many books and playing with the 3G. Reading in direct sunlight, and laughing at the text to talk feature. 
As the apps began to come out for the iPod Touch and iPhone my girls were able to load the Kindle app and read the stories that are appropriate for them. I had already downloaded many free books for them to read.

Yet, it wasn't until this week that I really saw first hand the beauty of the Kindle. Two of my children were reading Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Each could read the same story at the same time and not lose their place. No fighting over a physical book, and you can read as fast or slow as you wish. My other daughter was reading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins at the same time as I was. She reads much faster than I do, and can take her book anywhere she goes as it is also her phone. Very convenient.
Keep this in mind when you go out to purchase a new phone. Look for one that you can use an app on. My choice for you is obviously a Kindle. But to each their own.
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Vampires Suck

This wasn't my first choice for our day out at the movies, yet my darling children wanted to see it(I'm not kidding). Anyways, last Saturday afternoon we saw this movie. Yes this vampire movie did suck. It was a spoof, and I knew it was a spoof, but come on. It could have been a little better than the spoof on Youtube
My final thought on this movie(if you want to call it that) it was a waste of money. Although a friend asked me if I had wasted two hours of my life. I told her that I was with my kids, and just being with them is not a waste of time... Money well that's a different story. I don't even think the Twilight haters would enjoy it.

Rate: D- (I'd give it an F, but I didn't walk out)
Don't spend any money on it.
PG? PG-13? F for FAIL
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August 22, 2010

Found Missing Child *Suicide Information*

Missing -   *Highly Suicidal*ch

This original post was about my daughters friend who was missing. She has been found alive, and is being taken for the necessary medical treatment. In times of a missing child it takes friends, family, and your community to come together to support the family and spread the word. Facebook was an amazing source to use.

If you or someone you know is depressed and contemplating or even thinking of suicide do not wait, ask them directly. Seek help or look for the numerous face to face, phone, and online help available right now. Listed below are well known sources:


National Hopeline Network (U.S.A.) - - 1-800-SUICIDE

S.A.F.E. Alternatives - - Self Abuse Finally Ends
Childhelp – - 1-800-4-A-CHILD - National Child Abuse Hotline
National Domestic Violence Helpline -   - 1-800-799-SAFE 
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network - – 1-800-656-HOPE National Sexual Assault Hotline
National Eating Disorders Association - - 1-800-931-2237
The Trevor Helpline is the only nationwide, around-the-clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. All calls are confidential and toll-free from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386)

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August 17, 2010

Teen Drivers and More

Crash and rescue workersImage via Wikipedia
Please click link at bottom
This video has been going around Facebook for a very good reason. It's about bad decisions while driving, and accidents. Many teens are becoming of age to drive a vehicle. In California the restrictions for driving are strict, as they should be. All drivers are not allowed to talk or text while driving(exception: adults may use a speaker or ear piece). Teens also have a provisional drivers license until the age of 18. The first 12 months they may not drive anyone(with a few exceptions listed on the DMV page).

Q. Why is the department discriminating against teen drivers?
A. The department is not discriminating. It is implementing legislation to save lives. Recent statistics show that citations/serious accidents involving provisional drivers during the 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM period have dramatically increased over the past five years. The change in law should reduce accidents and save lives.
Please take the 7 minutes to watch this video. It is not based on only teens, many are adults. This is for anyone who drives a vehicle. 

WARNING this video is graphic. This link will take you to Youtube.

Click here:---> I have no words after watching this video... Please drive safely.
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August 16, 2010

Use Our Parks

London Hyde park 20006-04-09Image via Wikipedia
London Hyde Park
In California a city park is rarely used except for soccer practice and the playground area. It seems as though we turn to other options for our family outings rather than a simple day at the park.
After a recent visit to London, England I realized that families in California(I can't speak for other cities or states) do not take advantage of our beautiful land. In London a park is located every few blocks. In each park people were gathered to eat, chat, or just relax. They were on the benches and on the grass constantly. I also noticed that these were adults using the parks. I didn't see playgrounds or sandlots.
Last weekend we went to a local park near the beach. We took chairs, blankets, soccer ball, and a Frisbee for our entertainment. My husband, children and I had a great afternoon being a family in the park.
Go outside and enjoy your land. It's beautiful out there.
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August 10, 2010

Kick Ass

kick-ass-1-000Image by YU-CHIEH FANG via Flickr
I waited for this movie on iTunes. It was similar to Kill Bill, but with one huge difference, a pre-teen was the main entertainment. I'm glad I waited for it to come out on DVD, but for those of you who enjoy some good butt kicking and major blood effects this movie is for you.

Teens love this movie.

Rate: B
Buy: Rent
This is rated R for major killings and blood. Teen & Adult friendly.
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August 9, 2010

Car Sickness Go Away

The Long and Winding RoadImage by emiana via Flickr
Once the car starts up the hill I know it's time for a headache, nausea, and my jaw to lock. I can't talk, and the wind needs to be blowing directly on my face. I see the trees fly by and the hills seem to enclose the street were driving on. What am I to do?

I've used Dramamine, ginger, homeopathic, and even caffeine. Which do not work. Finally a teenager tells me to suck on a lollipop. So I take an Advil and suck on a sucker, jolly rancher or jaw breaker. To my surprise it actually works.

Now I am able to take a trip over a mountain through windy roads, and enjoy the scenery for the most part. I still need the wind on my face and very little talk, but once the winding is over I am myself.

Sometimes teens know more than we give them credit for. Enjoy your next drive.
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August 1, 2010


Image by A monster & Girls via Flickr
Affiche A3 : INCEPTION movieHave you been waiting for the next Matrix type movie to take the big screen? Well look no further as Inception has arrived. Have your drink and snack ready and try not to leave until it's over.
Even after leaving the theatre I found myself(as well as other friends) pondering how many levels they went. Great cast and plot. Don't forget your token.

Rate: A+
Buy: Theatre must see
PG-13, but I'd take my younger kids(although they may not understand the levels)
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