August 9, 2010

Car Sickness Go Away

The Long and Winding RoadImage by emiana via Flickr
Once the car starts up the hill I know it's time for a headache, nausea, and my jaw to lock. I can't talk, and the wind needs to be blowing directly on my face. I see the trees fly by and the hills seem to enclose the street were driving on. What am I to do?

I've used Dramamine, ginger, homeopathic, and even caffeine. Which do not work. Finally a teenager tells me to suck on a lollipop. So I take an Advil and suck on a sucker, jolly rancher or jaw breaker. To my surprise it actually works.

Now I am able to take a trip over a mountain through windy roads, and enjoy the scenery for the most part. I still need the wind on my face and very little talk, but once the winding is over I am myself.

Sometimes teens know more than we give them credit for. Enjoy your next drive.
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