November 18, 2010

A Little Harry Potter Music(fun)

Snape being hugged by Harry, Ron and Hermione ...Image via Wikipedia
Potter Pals
The Moaning Myrtles
Image by moonlightbulb via Flickr
The Moaning Myrtles

I thought I'd share a few fun videos about Harry Potter. The fun is in the songs, not necessarily the video. It is the right time, and some of you may not know about them. Enjoy and I can't wait to see the first of the last tomorrow! 
Click on the links below they will take you to the YouTube video. 
Click ---> In Which Moaning Myrtle Moans
Click --->Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise (a must see)
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S.P. Sipal said...

Loved the Moaning Myrtle one. Hadn't seen that one before. I think the Potter Puppet one is one that my kids found so hilarious a couple of years ago. They'd laugh and replay over and over! :-)

What Do You Live For? said...

My girls love both of these videos. We've listened to them for a few years as well. They can sing them in their sleep. haha ;o)