The local middle school has made our lives as parents a little bit simpler by using a website called SnapGrades. This site is updated by each teacher daily or weekly(when they have time) with each students progress. Homework, projects, tests, tardies and missed days. Including PE, you can see how well they run the mile each week. If a student is falling behind the teacher can contact you via this website and stay on top of your child, and if they need to talk to the student about something they can leave a note on the website for both parent and student to see.
I am able to log on at anytime and see my child's current grade in each class. Any missing assignments, and their current GPA. I also receive a weekly email with current information.
Middle school is a difficult transition, and with help of a simple website like this, we can all keep our children on the right track. If your school doesn't have this type of simple communication maybe it's time to suggest it. I only wish they had it in my daughters high school. *Sigh*
Here is the website. If you watch the demo it will give you a nice introduction.