As the apps began to come out for the iPod Touch and iPhone my girls were able to load the Kindle app and read the stories that are appropriate for them. I had already downloaded many free books for them to read.
Yet, it wasn't until this week that I really saw first hand the beauty of the Kindle. Two of my children were reading Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Each could read the same story at the same time and not lose their place. No fighting over a physical book, and you can read as fast or slow as you wish. My other daughter was reading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins at the same time as I was. She reads much faster than I do, and can take her book anywhere she goes as it is also her phone. Very convenient.
Keep this in mind when you go out to purchase a new phone. Look for one that you can use an app on. My choice for you is obviously a Kindle. But to each their own.