I have been a Kindle user for almost a year now. I love how simple and inexpensive each book is to buy. Although, I have run into a few obstacles on books that were not available on Kindle, you are given the option to ask the author to release the certain book for Kindle. As of yet, the two that come to mind are still not available on Kindle. I requested them from the library.
Now I do love a great book store. The smell and feel of a book is refreshing. Last weekend I took a walk through Barnes & Noble with my wish list in hand(or better yet, on my phone). As I strolled through the YA section I found that more than half of my books weren't even on the store shelves. I only found 2 out of the 8 that I was interested in buying in paper form. I was very sad. Kind of lost actually. Why would they not have these books? Out of date? From another country? I can probably say yes to both, but still... I was in Barnes & Noble.
Don't get me wrong, I do realize that many of them are also not on Kindle. So to my trusty library online service I go. They usually have it, but I will not own it outright.
So back to my VS thought. I really like the fact that I can read on my Kindle at the same time my kids can read on their Touch. We can all read at the same time, and even the same book. I can have up to six users on my account. This is very useful to me as I hate folded pages, or marks, and torn up corners of a book. I keep my books neat and tidy.
To sum up my random thoughts; I like both of them, and I will continue to use both of them. But I will say to have my current book with me on my own cell phone is an amazing time saver. I always have my cell phone therefore I always have something to read.
Good day all.
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