Do not stand on a slope with a cracked tailbone, and lock your knees. You will find yourself down on that slope.
This happened to me at my great aunts funeral just two weeks ago. It is very difficult to stand on a hill with a cracked tailbone. I began to feel hot, then I became light headed almost instantly. I leaned on my dad and told him I was going to pass out. Then I did just that.
Lucky for me a doctor and paramedic were there, and their medical instincts kicked in immediately. I was fine after ten minutes, although it seemed much longer than just ten minutes.
My cousin told me a few days later that my aunt would pass out at all major family events. She chose me to be the one to pass out at her funeral. I am honored to be the chosen one.
RIP Aunt Edna.
January 30, 2010
January 22, 2010
Crack Kills...
...and I don't mean the drug, which obviously can kill you. I am talking about a crack in your bone. I went sledding on January 2nd of this year. I landed hard on the sled and snow after we hit a small bump. I knew the minute we hit that I had hurt myself. I could hardly walk back up the steps to get to my husband who slowly walked me back to the truck.
Long story short, I cracked my tailbone. The hospital and my doctor said not to come in because they couldn't do anything for me. I sat on my donut, and put a snow filled ziplock bag on my bum(which by the way I would recommend to everyone who has an injury).
Now three weeks later I am still sitting on a U pillow, and I'm still in pain. Did you know you use your tailbone for everything? Walking, sitting, leaning, bending, and just about everything in between. I've learned to squat as if I have a back brace on. It is difficult to say the least.
I will admit that I still laugh at the situation. I have absolutely no reason to be upset, and I had a great time until that moment. I can't say that I will ever sled again, but I'll watch.
Take care out there, and sled, shred, & have fun.
I will admit that I still laugh at the situation. I have absolutely no reason to be upset, and I had a great time until that moment. I can't say that I will ever sled again, but I'll watch.
Take care out there, and sled, shred, & have fun.
January 20, 2010
What I'm reading...
I am not finished reading his story since it is not my typical YA or Fantasy. Yet, I will finish it to learn how an adult deals with such struggles.
I agree with his hand germ phobias, and I love anti bacterial gels.
January 18, 2010
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